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Media Type


This most recent form of advertising is cost effective and efficient in results. It has gained momentum over a few years and is on a rising spree since its evolution. Digital Marketing takes way the share of around 17 – 20% o total Media Spends in India.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Quantifiable ROI: – The medium offers tracking the performance of media campaign thereby comparing the results and ROI.

Complete Control: – It enables the Advertiser to monitor the campaign performance on real time. It also gives complete control to change / pause or stop the campaign while the campaign is live.

No Minimum Budget

There is no minimum budget required for a digital media campaign. It allows the advertiser to initiate the small ticket campaigns as low as INR 1000 also.Similarly, there is no upper cap of spends by the advertiser.

Geographical Reach

The advertiser is free to define the geographic of the campaign. The campaign could be Hyper Local / Local / Regional / National / Worldwide.

Precision of Target Audience: – Digital Marketing enables the advertiser to reach out to the exact audience it desires. There is a freedom to define the Demographics, Interests, Expenditures, etc..

Interactive Medium: -Digital Advertising is not only used for branding, however it can be used for a call to action. It offers a two-way communication platform; the consumer also
has a window to share his viewpoint.


One of the oldest forms of advertising is to advertise in a newspaper. This is one of the most reliable sources of information, thus readers relate directly with Newspapers adverts. Newspaper Advertising enjoys the major market share of media spends in India. It is still believed that advertising is not complete without advertising in this medium. This medium can be classified into National, Regional, Vernaculars & Local Newspapers. There are 3 basic formats of advertising in Newspapers.

  •  Classified Section
  • Display Section
  • Innovations.

Benefits of Newspaper Advertising

Massive Reach: –
Newspapers reach out the large population in India. The medium is used as a specific tool when the Brand has to communicate its message to masses.

Clear Communication: – The
medium offers an easy way to transmit the message to the reader. The adverts are self-explanatory and pass on the crystal clear message to the target audience.

Localization: –
Newspapers do give a feature of localization, wherein advertising can be limited to specific Editions, Cities, Zones. This enables the SME’s to target the desired region.

Innovations: –

This is one of the most used media when it comes to Innovation. Since Innovations are done to attract the consumers, thus the reader always appreciates new ways of Innovation.

Brand Integration: –
Newspapers at time do special features which integrate well with the Brand Values and enhance the credibility. This effort leaves an impact in the mind of reader and benefits the brand in long run.


This is one of the old forms of advertising which gives an edge to reach out the niche audience. Magazine Advertising enables the advertiser to reach out his consumers in a well-defined context. Print format also generates an opportunity to engage with the customers creatively with well crafted creative.The magazines can be categorized under various sub-heads like Current Affairs, Fashion, Luxury, Travel, Inflight, Architecture, etc…

Benefits of Magazines Advertising :

Focused & Targeted:-Since Magazines cater to a niche audience, thus the advertiser has the liberty to pick and choose the magazine of its generation. The advertising in magazines is always focused and targeted to its audience only.

Reliable Source: –New Brands do have an opportunity to ride on the brand image of the popular magazines. The readers always consider the advertising in this format
sincerely. Few magazines have already limited the type of clients.

Long-lasting Impression:
– Magazines usually have a long shelf life of a month. The creatives used by the advertiser are also impressive, and the repetitive adverts of an advertiser do create a long-lasting impression in the mind of the reader. The consumer generally starts relating to the Brand.

Cover Story: – Magazines normally do a cover story on brands which shares the detailed journey of the Brand. This facilitates the client to get connected with its audience and pass on the clear message.

Innovations: – This is most beautiful medium to innovate the communication to reach out the end consumer. It offers Gatefolds, Tabs, Product Placement, Flyers, etc.. to the advertiser.


One of the most recent and cost effective medium of advertising is Radio FM. It started in India as recent as in 2001. The medium enjoys a market share of 5 – 8% of the media spends in India. The medium offers multiple options of advertising like, Simple Jingles, RJ Mentions, Sponsorship Tags, Consumer Contests,Studio Shift, Road Block etc..

Benefits of Radio FM :

Local Reach: – Radio FM gives an opportunity to focus on specific cities. The campaign can be designed for the particular region and thus Brands can execute different schemes /offers in different locations.

Message Registration: –
The frequency of spots in a campaign design the no: of hits in the mind of the consumer. The Brand has the flexibility to design the spot duration and no: of spots in a day to register its message.

Cost Effective

Radio FM advertising is one of the most cost-effective tool of advertising. The cost/ reach is highly effective

Multiple Jingles

The advertiser can use multiple jingles in a single campaign to register the communication in the mind of listener.


The medium also offers a two-way communication system. The Radio Contest /Marketing & Promotional


Benefits of Cinema Advertising :

The most interesting media vehicle to catch the audience at leisure.When in Cinema the consumer is in relaxing mode and is most receptive to register the message from the brands. This is the only reason that Cinema
Advertising has gained momentum over the years. Not only the big cinema chains like PVR, Inox, Cinepolis, etc.. have embarked their presence but the Single Screens have also created their own space in the advertising. Majorly there are two types of advertising options, ONSCREEN & OFF SCREEN available in Cinema Advertising.

High Receptiveness: –
The target audience at the Cinema is in a most receptive format as they are there with the family or friends.The consumers are normally noticed discussing the adverts in the Cinema Chains as they love to chat.

Better Impact: – Large Cinema Screens give a larger than life impact on the advertisers. The availability of the improved versions of Audio Visuals leave a great impact on the audience. People start relating to scenario depicted on screen.

Captive Audience: – The audience at the Cinema Theater do not have an alternative choice to flip on anything. They have to witness the advert played on screen.

Local Reach: – The advertiser has the capability to design the media plan as local as his own city. Even more the advertiser can choose the specific Cinema Theatre or may be a single AUDI.

Cost Effective: -Riding on the local reach factor the medium is highly cost effective as the campaign is played on a weekly basis.


The most popular form of advertising is Outdoor Media. Brands use this tool during Brand Building, Launch of a Product / Scheme, Change of Logo, etc..This is a vast medium of advertising as it has both Cost effective and
Expensive sources. The selection of media is dependent on the clients brief.
The multiple options available in OOH are

  •   Billboard Advertising
  •   Uni pole Advertising
  • Wall Wraps.
  •   Pole Kiosks
  •  Road Median Advertising
  •  Railway Station Branding
  •   Metro Station Branding
  •   Metro Pillar Advertising
  •   Mall Branding
Benefits of OOH Advertising

Massive Reach

The effectiveness of this media is high as it reaches to masses. The Consumer immediately registers this form of advertising. As once the consumer is out, they notice things around and even a small change is registered by human brain.

High Impact

The large boards give a huge impact in the mind of the consumer. If the brand maintains a hoarding at a specific location for a longer duration, it is noticed that people start relating the place with the brand.

Brand Image

The hoardings or OOH are considered to be premium form of advertising. Thus the consumer always relates that the product / brand on this medium is premium.This enables the client to create a premium position in the mind of consumers.

Brand Recall

The OOH creates a high recall for the brands. The strategic creatives used by the brand generates huge impact. AMUL is a classic example in this category. The brand creatives are still in the mind of the people.